Intellectual Humility: A Hidden Christian Virtue

intellectual humility

Dare I ask for answers when I already know them?

What is intellectual humility, and why do I call it a hidden virtue? Quite simply, intellectual humility is the trait of humility applied to our intellect, that is, to what we think. The reason I call it a hidden Christian virtue is that most of us Christians don’t seem to think that it is a virtue at all. In fact many seem to consider it a defect of Christian character!

How is this so, you say? Well, consider the definition of humility. Merriam-Webster gives the following: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people. If we remove the negative, it means thinking that other people are at least as good, or better than our-selves.

When we apply the definition of humility to the realm of the intellect and ideas it would therefore mean: the quality or state of not thinking your ideas are better than those of other people. Again removing the negative it would mean thinking that other people’s ideas or thoughts are at least as good or better than ours.

“Humility is the first of the virtues—for other people”–Oliver Wendell Holmes

Therein lies the rub! Intellectual humility seems to fly directly in the face of the first virtue of Christianity—faith. Faith is after all the prerequisite for being a Christian. Is not Christianity itself called a faith? Is not faith the assurance that what you think about certain things is absolutely true Continue reading

The Antithesis of Ekklesia: What is Church—Part 4

Antithesis of Ekklesia

Are all these Gentile Symbols?

What is the antithesis of ekklesia? For the last three posts we have struggled to come to terms with this Greek word that is normally translated as “church.” In part 1, we dealt with the meaning of the English word church and the classical Greek understanding of ekklesia. In part 2 we considered the way the ekklesia was understood by the Hebrew translators of the Greek Old Testament. Finally, in part 3, I demonstrated that “assembly of citizens,” seemed to convey the New Testament meaning of ekklesia, more clearly than “church” does. It is now time to check our understanding by examining what the ekklesia is not. Continue reading

Which Book Cover Do You Like Best?

Crown of Thorns Book Cover

Crown of Thorns Cover

Chess Theme Cover

Chess Theme Cover

This is the first post in quite some time and I have been busy working on the book “The Problem With Christ,”  which is in final editing and formatting.  Joe Ebersole has done a fantastic job of designing two cover options, and I simply cannot decide which one I like best.  They each have their advantages.

Please help us out and vote on the cover you prefer. Continue reading